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Utility Provider - Carbon Reduction Project

Core Client: Outsourced FM Services Provider

BPM Consultants

  • Brian Morris
    Business cases and programme manager

Contract Detail

Existing TFM contract


The organisation is one of the UK’s major energy supply companies and its business has a substantial impact on the climate through the energy it produces. The company recognises that while it can help customers reduce their carbon emissions and decarbonise electricity generation, it is vital that it also seeks to reduce the overall environmental impact of its own operations. The company’s approach to managing the impact of its operations also enables it to innovate and trial new technologies, helping it to lead the consumer market and to engage its own employees in understanding environmental issues. As part of its commitment to carbon reduction the organisation has set itself challenging targets for reduction in the carbon footprint of its existing offices, company vehicles and travel.


BPM were engaged by the organisations facilities management provider to support the engineering team with their programme of carbon reduction projects. BPM’s role was to create the business cases for capital projects to demonstrate compelling environmental and financial benefits and to obtain approval to the expenditure. We were also charged with creating and maintaining a comprehensive tracker system for holding data on costs and benefits of the projects together with continually updated status of projects to enable generation of progress reports.

Key Achievements

  • Business cases prepared for over £840k capital expenditure
  • Comprehensive project tracker created enabling instant reporting by: Site; Technology; Business case; Project status
  • Tracker reporting data including: Energysavings; Carbon reductions; Financial savings; Capital expenditure; Payback

Confidentiality Clause

The project is presented as an example of our activity and capability. Due to the nature of the commercial and trusted relationship with our clients, the names of the businesses have been removed (to protect privacy; intellectual property rights and theintegrity of the innocent and the guilty alike!).

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