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PFI Surgical Facility

Core Client: Private Health Organisation

BPM Consultants

  • Jan White
    PMO lead
  • Greg Manton
    PMO support & Document Control
  • Carl Bailey
    IM&T & RfO support

Contract Detail

26 bed; 6 Theatre PFI Hospital Facility


Our client, a Private Health service provider, secured a five year PFI deal to run general surgery on an extension of an existing Hospital site north of London. The facility was a JV (joint venture), being built by the client’s construction business & funded via an SPV arrangement. The medical remit was extended by the PCT to include all regional ophthalmology services, including those clinics and sessions at six satellite locations. The model was a RoE (Retention of Employment) model, with around 200 medical and clinical staff seconding to the venture for the contract term.


BPM were engaged to analyse the existing build & fit-out programme to ensure Practical Completion would be achieved on target of 15th March 2011 & that the staffing and production of all systems; processes; policies and delivery model would be fully operational and pass the various assurance criteria required prior to such a facility opening. Although the project had been on-going for several years, it was only at the end of February 2011 that BPM were parachuted in to review and support the opportunity. As the project gained momentum, BPM revealed a number of gaps and risks to the delivery and remit. As a result, the role was expanded to full PMO across the project, including supporting the various assurance gateways (RfO – Ready for Operations; RAG – Referrals Acceptance Gateway; SoR – Statement of Readiness and the external assessment by CQC – Care Quality Commission and the Home Office for Drugs licences etc).

Key Achievements

  • Practical Completion achieved 15th March
  • RfO assurance criteria satisfied for both phases (General surgery & Ophthalmology)
  • RAG & ‘Choose & Book’ facility invoked to enable sessions; clinics and referrals
  • CQC assessment achieved – without any conditions applied
  • Home Office drugs licences awarded
  • Satisfactory assignment of staff secured to enable service commencement – with Bank; Locum; Agency & recruitment to fill vacancies & absences

Confidentiality Clause

The project is presented as an example of our activity and capability. Due to the nature of the commercial and trusted relationship with our clients, the names of the businesses have been removed (to protect privacy; intellectual property rights and theintegrity of the innocent and the guilty alike!).

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