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Investment Bank, London

Core Client: Outsourced FM Services Provider

BPM Consultants

  • Jan White
    Business Development and operational design inputs – then PMO lead
  • Greg Manton and Gavin McLuskie
    Reporting and support

Contract Detail

3 year FM contract


Our client secured an opportunity to bid for the prestigious Investment Bank headquarters buildings – being developed within London City - decanting existing services and operations from two nearby trading offices.

The new facility was to reflect the ABW (Activity Based Working) model adopted by the Investment Bank in its overseas Head Office and would harmonise branding; SLA and KPI standards across both the retained and outsourced facilities streams.


Initially the assignment was to support the Business Development team to define the operational delivery solution, with a target operating model – linking to the retained team activity and looking to optimise operating synergies and value added activities for the bid submission.

On securing the award, Jan White was retained to manage the PMO for the Core Client’s 8 week mobilisation activity. Within a few days, this scope expanded to report on the Fit-Out project; the decant/moves logistics operations and closure of the two existing key London sites, with Real Estate management being added to the brief. In order to accommodate the broader remit – given the short mobilisation and TUPE timescales, additional resources were seconded from within BPM to coordinate the internal (and those external to the Core Client) workstream reports.

Corporate emphasis was on the efficient migration to the new facility. Critical to this was the communication and engagement of the wider project to the Traders and general staff – providing confidence in thenew ways of working; providingassurance at desk and locker availability along with theprovision of additional break-out and operational facilities.

Key Achievements

  • Combined and expanded project coordination and reportingo
  • Communication activity including presentations; visits; briefings and newsletters on the new facility and ABW adoption and single 'one team' branding; informs and signage
  • Early TUPE of staff without impacting on legacy operations and contracts
  • Eight week combined mobilisation; TUPE and migration programme
  • 1st March commencement of site and services
  • Full Black Building test prior to occupation
  • Estates/Real Estate activity incorporated to the contract

Confidentiality Clause

The project is presented as an example of our activity and capability. Due to the nature of the commercial and trusted relationship with our clients, the names of the businesses have been removed (to protect privacy; intellectual property rights and theintegrity of the innocent and the guilty alike!).

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