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Space plan and FM cost review

Core Client: Chemical Company

BPM Consultants

  • Gavin McLuskie
    Space planning and FM cost analysis lead
  • Michael Thomas
    FM cost support & specification review

Contract Detail

Multiple contract providers engaged, No FM structure


The company is a multi-national petrochemical manufacturer, with two large scale industrial chemical production facilities in northern England. The sites are made up of a collection of large chemical plant areas as well as a range of support offices for production focused staff, and a separate off-site head office location. FM provision at the sites was highly reactive and job specific, with no overarching long term property and accommodation strategy or facilities management system in place to effectively plan, control and manage hard and soft facilities services. This result being unnecessary investment on repairs and upkeep of the sites, and inefficient accommodation for staff.


BPM were engaged by the client in two areas. Firstly, to carry out a full accommodation review of the various office areas across their 2 industrial sites and head office locations, with a view to rationalising staff into a central modern design workspace, providing budget figures for a business case, along with outline space planning, all aimed at improving staff efficiency and communication, whilst at the same time reducing property and facilities costs. Secondly to review the existing hard and soft FM provision across the sites and propose a new delivery model to provide an efficient, appropriate and cost-effective Facilities service to their sites. Our task was to understand the existing management systems and processes, explore all savings opportunities available by formalising the management systems and delivery model. Were organised Hard and Soft services around a series of key clusters, allowing Sabic to achieve economies of scale and a more effective delivery. This lead into formal proposals on an appropriate FM delivery model and the creation of FM cluster specifications, benchmarked against industry best practice, allowing Sabic an immediate route to tender.

Key Achievements

  • Space plan produced offering varied costed options delivering payback within 3 years
  • A full understanding of FM PPM and reactive spending
  • Areas of duplicity within the maintenance and “quick saving wins”
  • Proposals for clustered provision
  • Potential FM savings of circa £350k

Confidentiality Clause

The project is presented as an example of our activity and capability. Due to the nature of the commercial and trusted relationship with our clients, the names of the businesses have been removed (to protect privacy; intellectual property rights and theintegrity of the innocent and the guilty alike!).

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